Friday 27 August 2010

Always on tour... the T-shirts on sale at the back of the room (and for a mere fiver, bargain).

After weeks of anticipation, Frank Turner, folk-rock star, graced the Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal with his presence. Many will agree with me when I say that this billing was long overdue and with a sell out audience in the Malt Room I think this was wuite obvious. 

Support was given by Ben Marwood, who I must say put in a rousing performance with his repetoire of angry, acoustic numbers. The crowd warmed to him quickly and by the end of his set were chanting his name wildly ... what a feeling, to turn up to a gig where barely anybody has heard of you, and then finish your set with the crowd jumping up and down calling your name. A credit to the spirit of the music fans of Kendal.

As for the headline act, many words come to mind, the one that sticks out the most would be PHENOMENAL. Now I may be biased slightly given that I am myself a BIG fan of Mr. Turner but he did not disappoint. Even after his first song Frank seemed flabbergasted at the response he was getting ... "God, you guys are fucking crazy" ... was his retort as he strummed the closing chords of his opening number. 

The powerful, emotion filled lyrics and chords of each song hit each person in attendance deep down and the room was filled with an incredible atmosphere. I don't think there are many folk artists that can lay claim to the fact that they had the crowd as psyched-up as the fans at last nights gig.

The band that played with Frank also put in a sterling performance. Timings were tight, levels were spot on, vocals were clean. Old classics such as 'LONG LIVE THE QUEEN' and 'FATHER'S DAY' were met with echoes of lyrics being bounced around the room by the excited crowds.

The final number of the evening, 'THE BALLAD OF ME AND MY FRIENDS' was played solely on the acoustic guitar ... no microphone, no frills. The crowd sang every word with him as if, in Turners' words we were "...all in the band together, sat singing around my kitchen table, and it'll have to be a big fucking kitchen table...".

For an artist that is 'ALWAYS ON TOUR' there were no signs of faltering or fading into the background, just this week Turner was suffering with an eye infection, but still managed to play all of his scheduled gigs.

My final comment and nugget of wisdom. If you have even the slightest chance to see this guy live, DO IT. Whether folk is your thing or not, there will be at least one moment in the gig that you too will feel empowered by the lyrics and the music.

"...we're definitely going to hell, but we'll have all the best stories to tell..."


Sunday 25 July 2010

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.

Seriously now, how flipping good is 'Inception'?
Christopher Nolan did a sterling job. As did the cast, fantastic.
Possibly the best film I have ever seen. Ever.

"What's the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules."

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Quick rant.

Last week I returned from a three week trip to Zanzibar. My partner Amy and I had been doing voluntary work in an orphanage there.

One thing I have realised after being back for nine days is that England sucks.

Before you say, it's not because it's rained every single day since we got back, in July (summer...?!) and I still haven't managed to get out climbing.

England sucks because it's miserable.

People are unhappy and unsatisfied. This unhappiness stemming from many sources, too many to list.

The children we worked with in Zanzibar, and people I have met in other countries in the world in similar situations, were amongst the happiest people I have met.

Friendly. Hospitable. Generous. Loving. Just a few words that spring to mind when I think about people I have met.

They were poor in the way of money and possessions. Their lifestyle considerably simpler, they were rich beyond belief with smiles.

One thing I will say is that the misery found on these shores is usually due to the insatiable materialistic hunger that seems to be the societal norm.

What is it that they know, that we don't...?

First post.

So this is the first post of mi'new'blog. Grand 'eh?

You may or may not know that I already have an up and running blog (CLICK HERE), however I am attempting to  keep that one centred around climbing and other personal things.

This is a new and seperate blog...somewhere for me to publicly announce my rants and frustrations at societies many failures.

Egotistical, outspoken and opinionated...probably.